Kantun Paulina

The epitome of Split-style ćevapi.

Kantun Paulina is an iconic old fashioned ćevapi eatery  that has been in operation since 1967. Like the famous pizza styles attributed to different locations, Kantun Paulina has become almost a synonym for Split-style ćevap, which to the dismay of many Bosnians, includes ajvar instead of kajmak and a more fluffy flatbread than that usually served in Bosnia–which is to ćevapi as Italy is to pizza.  To try this Split-style specialty, make sure to order it with the two traditional condiments: onion (kapula) and ajvar.

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Matošića ulica 1
Split 21000 Splitsko-dalmatinska županija HR
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Working Hours Monday - Sunday: 08:00 – 22:00 Find Kantun Paulina on Facebook Google Reviews Tripadvisor