KaKantun Coffee & Gin

Specialty coffee and gin in a vibrant Old Town bar.

KaKantun is a small, beautifully designed specialty bar, located in one of the most vibrant areas of the Old Town. Its name is a clever word play in honor of its defunct predecessor at the same location, one of the old-time local favorite Na kantunu. Unlike many bars in the area, KaKantun’s offer is  based on specialty rather than commercial coffee, an extensive selection of gins and six specially created, unique gin-based cocktails. Apart from its dream-like soft color toned interior, KaKantun boasts of a vibrant small outdoor terrace cooled by the shade of the neighboring buildings making it a perfect place to drink that cool gin and tonic in the hot summer afternoons.

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Ulica Dujma Vušković
Split 21000 Splitsko-dalmatinska županija HR
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Working Hours Tuesday - Saturday: 08:00 – 23:00 Closed on Sundays and Mondays. Find KaKantun on Facebook Google Reviews Instagram Tripadvisor